OFD Trainings

OFD Trainings

OFD Staff Trainings

Home Page

When we first login to the Community Platform, this is where we will land. Through the home page, we are able to look up a constituent by entering their Constituent ID, which is the same as their Core Membership ID. We can also look up a constituent by their first and/or last name.

Constituent Page

The Constituent page is where we can view important information for a member, which is pulled from Core. The constituent page is composed of three content blocks. The first block contains a constituents personal and contact information. This is also where we set goals. The second content block contains various tabs that we will cover individually in this module. The third content block contains pieces that are program specific.


This is the first tab in the main content block. When we leave a note on a constituents profile, it will create a time stamp, showing us when the note was created, as well as who it was created by. We also have the option to delete notes that were created by mistake, or are no longer relevant.


The ‘Tasks' tab in the main content block is where we can create a new task for a constituent, as well as view tasks for this constituent created by other Community Platform users. When creating a task, we will have to select who to report to for the task, and who the assignee is. To see all tasks that are assigned to us, select the ‘Tasks’ button on the Side Bar.


The last portion of the main content block we will cover in this module is the ‘Relationships’ tab. This tab shows three different types of relationships: Work Relationships, Familial Relationships, and Other Relationships. We are able to view their constituent pages through here as well.

Giving History

This tab is where we can see a constituents giving history. At the top of this tab are four metrics: Total Gifts (which when hovering over breaks this total into donations and pledges), Average Gift, Most frequent gifting month, and Years since first gift. Beneath the metrics is a toggle that opens a graph view of the constituents giving history. Giving amounts are broken out by year, which can be expanded to see the campaigns the gifts made that year went towards. Clicking on the dollar amount for a specific gift brings us to that gift’s Core page.


On this tab, we can see a list of all portfolios this constituent is a part of. We can select the ‘View Portfolio’ button to see more information about that portfolio. Under the list is a dropdown where we can assign this constituent to an existing portfolio. A constituent cannot be removed from a portfolio if they are the primary constituent for that portfolio.

Moving on now to the Portfolio pages, which can be accessed by selecting ‘Portfolios’ on the side bar.

Corporate Constituent Pages

We can look up corporate constituent pages using the search bar on the home page. Corporate Constituent Pages have an added section showing the information of the organizations primary contact. Clicking on the primary contact will take us to their constituent page.


We can now create households, add members, and assign addressees and salutations from the relationships tab.