Pickup and Delivery App (PAD)

Pickup and Delivery App (PAD)

Pickup and Delivery

A modern answer to our logistical needs between our branches and the Association Office!

Getting started

The first screen staff members will see is this image below. Please note that Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) and a portal for our Property staff are included with the six branches. As shown in the image, any location that has items at the Association Office will have the warning indicator with the “Items Available” text. If they do not have any red indicators (like Everett) then those locations do not have any items.



Once you select your respective destination, you will transition to a login screen. This is a simple drop down selection in which you choose your own name. This gives us, as an organization, a greater ability to hold each other accountable in case the item(s) end up lost or damaged. Following your selection, two buttons will appear: Pickup and Delivery (see image below). If you are a staffer of the selected branch, you would choose pickup. For anyone else, select delivery.


Item Selection

Once you have selected your branch and are fully logged in, a screen containing all the items for the selected branch/destination will appear. All items start with a white border/gray text combo for the item name and arrival date (See image below). Once an item is selected, the border and text color will switch to black (See “Camp Hoodies” & “Lifeguard Shirts” in the second image below). They can be deselected if you choose by clicking on the item again.

Unselected Items in the Gallery
Camp Hoodies and Lifeguard Shirts selected

You did it!

After clicking the “Finish” button, you will receive this success message. That means everything went through properly and you collected the selected item(s) to take back to your branch. After a short delay, the screen will return to the main menu. Your job is finished!


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