New & Returning Staff
This page has two options for learning.
The ‘New’ page has base information designed for staff that do not have a lot of experience with budgeting, and the ‘Experienced’ page has trainings and information of a more detailed nature.
If you have suggestions on additional trainings, please email
Basic Budgeting Concepts:
- Budgeting is your best estimation of your operational plan translated into income and expense over a defined period of time.
- It is OK (even expected) to have actual to budget variances.
- Budgets are living documents, which is why we have to reforecast throughout the year to update them.
- Code items according to the definition in the GL Glossary & Guidelines even if you did not budget anything in that line item.
- Do not code revenue or expense to line items you would not ordinarily use just to separate out those fees or costs.
Indirect Income
Direct income is revenue a business generates from selling a product or service, while indirect income is revenue from non-operational activities of the business. Some examples of indirect income at the Y include:
0110 (Branch Annual Campaign) and 0111 (Trustee Annual Campaign). These should be coded to Programs, not to Administration.
Common Budgeting & Coding Errors:
0300 Special Fundraising vs. 0302 Community Events
Special Fundraising includes major events (auctions, car show, golf tournament, BFKS, MAP gala, MLK Breakfast, or campership) that make money after expenses. Special Events are community events (MAP Recognition, Healthy Kids Day, Fun Runs, MLK Day of Service) that generate community involvement but net little or no surplus.
1011 - 1015 Grants vs. 0110 Contributions
Grants are asks for contributed support that require us to sign a contract, submit a proposal, and/or provide documentation back to the donor before we can receive any money. Contributions are asks for contributed support with none of the above strings attached.
1100-1116 Membership Fees vs. 1200-1212 Financial Assistance Membership Fees
Discounts of memberships related to membership promotions or joining fee waived are coded to 1100-1116, not 1200-1212 Financial Assistance Membership Dues. Code the amount not paid to 1200-1212 Financial Assistance as a negative when a financial assistance application was processed and approved.
1140/1340 Employee Discounts-Membership/Program
Employee discounts are treated like Financial Assistance; these are always negative amounts, the difference between the full rate and the amount the employee pays.
1200-1212/1302/1303 Financial Assistance
Formerly called Scholarships, these are always negative amounts, the difference between the full rate and the amount the member pays.
1800 Inter-Branch Support vs. Miscellaneous Income
Any inter-Association charges (including Training Fees) to the branches should be coded to Inter-Branch Support i.e. emergency check fees, no show fees so that it can easily be identified in consolidating financial data.
2510 Office Supplies vs. 2515 Computer Supplies
Computer Supplies include items used with your computer: data cards, printer ribbons, toner cartridges, air spray, anti-static cloths, etc. Printer paper (interchangeable with copier paper) should be coded as office supplies because it is difficult to separate the costs.
2510 Office Supplies vs. 2540 Program Supplies
Items purchased from office supply vendors like paper, scissors, and glue sticks used by members or program participants in programs are coded to Program Supplies, not Office Supplies. Office supplies purchased for staff are coded to Office Supplies.
2520 Pool Supplies vs. 2540 Program Supplies
Pool chemicals and mat tiles used to maintain pool water quality and deck safety are coded to Pool Supplies in Property Management. Pool toys and equipment (e.g. water weights, kick boards) used in aquatics programs are coded to Program Supplies.
2540 Program Supplies
Program Supplies should be used for supplies directly related to program. It is not a catchall for items not budgeted elsewhere.
2540 Program Supplies vs. 2930 Expendable Equipment
Expendable Equipment are items that you do not purchase regularly, such as childcare cabinets, refrigerators, washers, dryers, microwaves, PCs, but cost less than $5,000 or have a life of less than 3 years.
2542 Campaign Supplies
This account includes costs directly related to Annual Campaign and Endowment, including printing, bulk mailing, office supplies, food, etc.
2541 Special Fundraising Supplies vs. 2545 Community Event Supplies
Include all costs of conducting auctions, golf tournament, BFKS, MAP gala, MLK Breakfast or campership, including printing, bulk mailing, office supplies, food, etc. in Special Fundraising Supplies. The costs of conducting Healthy Kids Day, Fun Runs, MAP Recognition, Diversity Celebration, and MLK Day of Service are Special Event Supplies.
2543 Snack Supplies vs. 2550 Amenities vs. 3340 Meeting Food
Snacks purchased for program participants are coded to Snack Supplies. Amenities include coffee and beverages supplies to members. Snacks provided at staff meetings are coded to Meeting Food.
2710 Postage vs. 2740 Bulk Mailing
Postal service costs qualifying for the bulk mail rate and costs associated with mailing services such as IQ Direct are coded to Bulk Mailing not Postage.
2910 Equipment Rental/Lease vs. 3270 Vehicle Lease
Equipment Rental include the cost of renting equipment (e.g. Airgas or Mobile Mini) including leasing (not Capital Leases) of copiers and postage machines. Van and bus leases are treated as Vehicle Lease.
2920 Permits & Licenses vs. 3250 Vehicle Expense
The costs of annual vehicle license tabs are considered Vehicle Expenses (not permits and licenses).
2941 Maintenance & Repairs-Equipment vs. 2945 Service Agreements
The costs of printer and data line maintenance, internet for Teen Centers, and contracts related to fitness equipment including TV cable, and satellite dish are coded as Service Agreements. All non-contracted irregular equipment maintenance costs are coded to Account 2941.
3240 Employee Expense vs. 3340 Meeting Food
Taking another staff or volunteer to lunch should be considered an Employee Expense if the purpose of the meal is updating and relationship building. If snacks or catered meals are brought in during a pre-scheduled meeting, it is Meeting Food.
3112 Advertising vs. 3980 Recruitment
The cost of newspaper or online ads to hire staff is Recruitment while the cost to place ads promoting Membership and Program is advertising.
3113 Marketing Studies & Surveys vs. 4885 Marketing Support
Marketing includes costs of feasibility studies and customer surveys CONDUCTED BY your branch over and above what your Marketing Support allocation to the Association Office covers.
3310 Meeting Facilities vs. 3351 In-House Training Expense
Rental fees incurred for meeting rooms used to conduct meetings/trainings should be coded as Meeting Facilities not Training.
3320 Meeting Supplies vs. 3351 In-House Training Expense
Presentation supplies such as flip charts, markers, name badges are Meeting Supplies while certifications and registration fees are Training Expenses.
3340 Meeting Food vs. 3351 In-House Training Expense
Food purchased for Meetings/Trainings should be coded as food, not training expense.
3350 Education, Conference & Training vs. 3351 In-House Training
Education, Conference includes costs of training you take inside or outside the YMCA and In-House Training includes the costs of training you give.
3350 Education, Conference & Training vs. 4855 Interbranch Training Expense
Code all approved training paid by Training Pool to Training Support. Code only lodging and travel plus General Assembly registration fees to Education, Conference & Training.
4855 Interbranch Training Expense
Do not code any expenses here. Based on a % of wages, amounts are budgeted and then expensed via recurring journal entry transfer to the Association training fund. It is through that fund that actual training expenses are managed.
5330/6920 Capitalized Building vs. 5350/6930 Capitalized Equipment
Equipment can be removed without structurally damaging the walls, floor, or ceiling. A treadmill is equipment. Wiring is an integral part of the structure so is building. Using the definition above carpet would be equipment.
5330/5350 Capitalized Building/Equipment vs. 6920/6930 Capitalized Building/Equipment
Items approved to be paid directly out of Building Fund or projects funded by a Capital Campaign are coded to 6920/6930. Generally, 5330/5350 is utilized for capitalized ($5,000 or more) building/equipment that is funded out of operations in the General Fund. At the end of every year, the branch balance in 5330/5350 is moved to 6920/6930 in the Building Fund.
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