New & Returning Staff
Free/Reduced Lunch Add On
This is the video to show you how to add multiple teens onto a free/reduced lunch scholarship account. You can select the "+ Member to this Unit" box and add the teens that are going to be on the unit. Just remember that ONLY 11-18 years old can be added for this discount. Once you have added them onto the unit- they will be greyed out with a strikethrough the name/s. That is because until you complete the "add on" sale they won't be able to be enabled.
To add on the additional members to the unit through a sale- select the "Unit Actions" bubble, and drop down to "Edit Membership". Once in the editing screen, select the "+ New Addon" - Drop down to 'Additional Teen'- Select your branch, and then type in the price (which is $35 for the year). You can only do one add on at a tie so if you have more you will have to save and take payment for each add on as they are completed. Just a note that the "New Annually" total is nothing to panic about, it will be a high number because it is reflecting the next annual draft once the discount is expired- which is why it is so important that after we save to terminate the account the day before their next draft using the "3, 6, 12 month membership expiring" reason. Once all the Add On sales are completed, you may then enable each member in the home screen > Member in this Unit.