New & Returning Staff
Overview of Units in Core
Hey there! In this video, I'll give you a quick rundown of what a unit looks like in Core. This will help you get familiar with the basics before we dive into our training videos. We'll explore the unit info section on the top left, where you can find details like the unit ID, membership type, home branch, monthly payment, and more. I'll also show you how to access invoices, payment methods, programs, and donations from this screen. On the top right, you'll see the member(s) in this unit. In this case, it's a single adult membership, but I'll explain how it works for two adults or a family membership too. Each member has a unique member ID that remains the same even if they're moved to a different account. If you need to make any edits or adjustments, I'll show you where to find the edit pencil box. So, let's get started and make sure you're all set for the upcoming trainings!